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Showing results 1 to 20 of 1894  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20121-Benzyl-3-[(4-methylphenyl)imino]- indolin-2-oneIkotun, A.; Adelani, P.; Egharevba, G.
202015th Convocation ProgrammeBowen University, Iwo
202220th Matriculation Ceremony of Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State.-
2020-06-1021st Century Skills and Fresh Graduates’ Employability in Nigeria: The Human Resource Practitioners’ PerspectiveAkinbode, James; Oyelude, Opeyemi
202021st century skills and fresh graduates’ employability in Nigeria: the human resource practitioners’ perspectiveAkinbode, J. O.; Oyelude, O. O.
2020-0621st Century Skills and Fresh Graduates’ Employability in Nigeria: The Human Resource Practitioners’ PerspectiveAkinbode, James; Oyelude, Opeyemi
20072nd Convocation lectureBowen University, Iwo
20072nd Convocation lectureBowen University, Iwo
2022A 4-Step Hermite based Multiderivative block integrator for solving fourth order ordinary differential equationsOgunlaran, O. M.; Kehinde, M. A.
20094th Convocation lectureBowen University, Iwo
20105th Convocation lectureBowen University, Iwo
20127th Convocation Programme (10th Anninversary)Bowen University, Iwo
20138th Convocation LectureBowen University, Iwo
2016Ab initio investigation of the electronic, lattice dynamic and thermodynamic properties of ScCd intermetallic alloyAdetunji, B. I.; Olayinka, A. S.; Fashae, J. B.; Ozebo, V. C.
2019-10-04Academic staff attitude and labour union's performance in State Owned Nigerian UniversitiesAkinbode, James
2016Academic stress of students-in-transition in Nigerian Universities: Any link with self esteem, study habit and emotional intelligence?Ojo, Y. A.
2016Academic stress of students-in-transition in Nigerian Universities: any relationship with emotional intelligence, self-esteem and study habit?Ojo, Y. A.
2022ACC 301: Cost Accounting-
2021Accounting for sustainability in an unregulated terrain.Ajibolade, S.
2017Achieving sustainable development in the Niger delta area of Nigeria: the imperative of peace educationAfolabi, O.